METRO CITY CHURCH dreams of the day that the believers of our church will be radically devoted to Christ, irrevocably committed to each other, and relentlessly dedicated to reaching those outside God’s family.
When NASA was given the mission to put a man on the moon they went to work. They locked onto that mission. They were determined to make the mission a reality.
The Church that follows Jesus was given a mission by Jesus himself. He said that we are ‘to make disciples and to teach them everything he commanded.’ So that is our mission.
We like to say it like this…Metro exists to turn people into fully devoted followers of Jesus.
We want to help people to discover him, love him and follow him. That’s why we do everything around here. We are locked into this mission. It drives us and motivates us.
In leadership circles you here about this idea of VISION. It carries this idea of seeing. How do you see your life. How do you see your business working. How do you see your home and family operating.
The idea of having a vision for any organization is seeing a preferred future. It’s seeing the organization doing its best. It’s seeing a picture of an organization doing what it’s supposed to be doing. And it’s the same thing for a church.
Metro’s vision is to be a modern and relevant church where people can take their NEXT STEPS towards God and with God.
For people who don’t believe at all, our hope is that they can just take another step closer to belief. Maybe we can help answer some questions about faith or maybe we could show them a side of the God of the Bible that they’ve never seen before. We just want them to move closer to God then they were before.
And for those who ‘believe’. We can get stuck. We want to help people get unstuck and moving to a deeper more vibrant relationship with God. We think no matter how long you’ve been a Christian there are NEXT STEPS we all need to be taking.
Metro is here to help you take that next step. Let us do this with you.
You look at any successful family, business or organization and you’ll see a set of guiding principles or VALUES that are the backbone of who they are. A set of VALUES is how you do what you do. It’s how you behave and act and react. Great people and organizations have values and so should churches.
We’ve tried to nail down how it is that we operate. What are our core values. We think there are NINE of them. There might be more but these are the biggies.
We trust God’s Word and obey Him. Truth still matters. We want to know the truth and speak the truth and we want to do it with love.
God is Love. We want to do our best to model what He models. We want to generously give and freely forgive. We want love to be the motivating force of everything we do. Love makes truth accessible. Love makes truth easy to follow.
We want to become more like Jesus every day. We don’t want to stay the same. We want to grow and become better in so many ways.
We want to passionately pursue the power and presence of God in our life. We want to believe what we believe in such a way that others see that it matters most in our lives.
We need to step out in order to find out what God might do. So we surrender all to God and courageously follow Him.
We reach locally and globally with the love and grace of God.
We do life with God and serve Him together.
We connect God to everyday life in ways that people can understand.
We believe that excellence honors God and inspires people.
We want people to GROW in their relationship with God through the Bible, worship and prayer.
We want people to GROUP together in Christ Centered communities.
We want people to GO put their faith into practice through relationships in the church, in the community and around the world.
This is the vision for how we do things! But, this strategy needs some practical ways to be put into practice. So we’ve tried to figure out the most important things we do as a church to help people to GROW, GROUP and GO. We’ve named five avenues as the most important things we do.
We want people to GROW through our larger experiences that involve Bible Teaching, Worship and Prayer.
We want people to GROW and GROUP together through periodic Next Step Sessions that involve large group Bible teaching, prayer and small group discussions.
We want people to GROW, GROUP and GO through Life Groups that promote Christ-Centered relationships that involve regular Bible discussion, prayer, and personal care in a small gathering that leads to serving and reaching out together.
We GROUP and GO through Serving Teams that involve serving in the church and the community around us and through personal care for one another.
We GO through Reach Local Teams that involves service and evangelism to our local community. We GO through Reach Global Teams that involves service and evangelism to other nations.