A HOST is someone who is willing to do the following:
H eart for others
O pen up their home for 6 weeks
S hare a meal or a few simple snacks
T ell a few friends
What are the requirements to be a HOST?
Have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ!
1. Do I need to be a "Bible Expert" to become a Host?
Definitely not! You just need a desire to serve the members of your group and to grow in your own personal relationship with Jesus. Your host responsibility is to simply facilitate group conversation around the questions that we will be providing you each week.
2. What happens in a City Group?
A City Group (CG) is an informal and comfortable 1 1/2 hour - 2 hour gathering at someone’s home. Participants can be people from our church, as well as friends, neighbors, relatives, and coworkers who are invited to join in. Although CG's come in all shapes and sizes, how the groups spend their time is similar.
There is time spent hanging out and connecting with each other (usually over good food!), time for discussion surrounding the study, and time spent in prayer and care for one another. Everyone in the group has an opportunity to grow at their own pace by sharing with and hearing from others in the group.
3. What support is offered to a Host?
Someone from the CG leadership team will walk with you and care for you over the 6-week study time. They will be your source for care, information and resources to help you succeed!
4. Should I wait until I have more experience to be a HOST?
If you have a love for Jesus, a willing heart, and few open seats in your living room, you are ready to be a CG Host.
5. How do I take the next step to become a HOST?
Let us know you are interested in becoming a CG Host by filling out the bottom of this form, then plan to attend the Host Meeting. The short meeting will explain more about the Campaign and your role as a Host.